Cac Siena - 10-04-05 - Judge S.Falletti
CAC/BOB/3 BOG Rineweld Scout of Blue Serenade
OPEN DOGS 1 EX CAC/BOB/3 BOG Rineweld Scout of Blue Serenade (Fenyőligeti Conelly blue x Rineweld Awantgarde at Sheewenna) Br. Lissai - Own. Garabelli
YOUTH DOGS 1 EX Cristal Gold di Montenese (Lynway Street Cred x Emily) Br. Locatelli - Own Garabelli
YOUTH BITCHES 1 EX Crazy for you di Montenese (Lynway Street Cred x Emily) Br. Locatelli - Own Garabelli 2 EX Dragosteadintea (Poggiobonizio I am the Boss x Queen in Love) Br. Anselmi - Own.Prugnoni
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